About Us
Business owner, Paul Tirrell, a family business retailer by heritage, has held senior positions within the display industry for over 30 years, predominantly in the custom joinery sector producing retail displays and interiors, custom exhibition stands, product launches, and much more. For most of the early years of manufacturing and installations were bought in culminating in 2005 when he established his own Bespoke Joinery Company, Artisan Retail Display, to offer a ‘one stop’ complete service – a commercial joinery specialist business which takes ownership of the whole journey, taking the concept idea, developing the technical needs, engineering the costs, through to procurement, manufacturing, and final installation. This ownership has meant better control, reliable delivery, and greater quality standards as commercial joinery specialists.

The business first established itself working in both the tobacco and fragrance retail sectors, predominantly in the Travel Retail markets working in the UK, mainland Europe, and overseas. Over 16 years we have grown and diversified into a variety of interior and custom joinery specialists projects in the domestic High Street retail market and commercial interiors whilst remaining in the Travel Retail market. Our Artisan Joinery Group team has grown along with our management team who possess many years of pragmatic expertise which is brought to bear on each project.

Our broad experience has built a compelling pedigree of expertise which is employed on each project with dedication, agility and enthusiasm. The Artisan Joinery Group team welcomes new challenges and prides itself in solving the inevitable problems taking care to support clients through their own journey.

In 2018 the business appointed Adam Kettell and Stephen Esposito as Directors. Each have worked within the industry throughout their careers from their apprenticeship, to working at the bench and on site, through to project management and now to Director level to take the business forward. In 2019 we relocated our works to larger premises on the outskirts of Leicester to prepare for expansion. A significant capital investment in new plant and equipment has been made that will help launch Artisan Joinery Group into the future.